Friday, January 23, 2009


Last night no one in the house slept very well apparently. Hubby came to bed and it was about 12 when he went to sleep. By 2 I woke up because I could tell he was uncomfortable or in pain or something. I finally asked him if he was ok and he said he thought he had indigestion. He finally gets up about 2:30 and takes some Pepto. He comes back to bed for a little bit and I can tell he's sleeping a bit better. But then he starts getting restless again. I told him he may need to sleep in the recliner to help ease the pressure. So he gets up and goes in the living room. I kind of fall back asleep but the next thing I know, he's in the bathroom sick as a dog. So I get up and go use the other bathroom then just kind of wait up to see if he needs anything. It's about 4-4:30 before we start to get back to sleep.

Now off and on all night I've heard the boy whining in his sleep. So I figure he must not be sleeping very well either. At one point he starts crying really hard so I go to get him, but he is still actually asleep. I leave him be to see if he goes back to sleep and he does. But by about 5:30, he starts crying hard again. So I go get him and bring him to bed with me. We finally get to sleep and I wake up about 6:35 (which is late). So I get up and get a shower and just start getting ready.

Now the boy is awake of course and he is GRUMPY! He is just whiny and grumpy and tired. Everything is making him cry. Well I get dressed and ready and then head out to warm the truck up. When I come back in, the boy says to me, very whiny "Daddy's being grumpy!". I could not control my laughter. I guess hubby had made a noise b/c he was still trying to sleep and the boy was crying because I had gone outside. So the boy just says that Daddy's being grumpy. I was laughing so incredibly hard when he told me that!

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