Friday, November 21, 2008


so, we have had snow flurries twice this week - which is unusual for this warm Eastern NC climate, even more unusual that it happened before Thanksgiving!! Tuesday, the snow happened while I was at work, so I wasn't with Justin when it snowed. It wasn't that much anyway, but enough to make you giggly. :) But when we opened the door this morning, there was a good bit of snow falling. I don't mean a blizzard or anything, but more than what we're used to! Justin walked out really slow to the car and looked like he was examining this white stuff falling from the sky. Then he said, "Mommy - It got on you!!". lol!! Then he talked about it getting on the car and the school buses the whole way to daycare this morning. He wasn't sure he liked it, but he was surely interested in it. Unfortunately, I got no pictures, b/c we were trying to rush off to work and daycare. But maybe next time.

Monday, November 17, 2008

almost caught....

Since I have been going to bed super early, there's been very little quality time with the hubby lately. Any quality time lately has been in the mornings and usually on the weekend. As was the case on Saturday. But lo and behold, as we are wrapping things up, we hear the sound of the doorknob hitting the wall as our precious boy has woken up, slams open the bedroom door, and comes marching in to our room. His timing could've been worse tho - 5 seconds earlier and he'd have gotten a real show.


I have been so exhausted the last few weeks. Going to bed at 8:30 and sleeping until the boy gets up. Housework has been suffering as I do the minimum to get by, and poor hubby, he tries to help. He's been doing most of the cooking lately. And the past few days, everything I do makes me nauseas, not actually getting sick, but feeling like I'd have to run for the bathroom at any moment. So basically, I've been worthless around the house. And to top it off, we have some major financial stress going on that has me super depressed b/c I don't know if I can fix it or how to fix it. It's just one thing after another. I just don't seem to be on top of things lately and that kills me. Oh well, we all get through it some how right?