Thursday, December 11, 2008

I help daddy...

So let me preface this story by saying that my child loves tomatoes. I don't know where he got it from, but he could eat an entire meal of nothing but tomatoes.

Tuesday night, hubby was making a sandwich with lettuce and tomato on it. The boy sees this and tells daddy that he also would like a sandwich. So, hubby puts a piece of ham on a piece of bread, folds it over, puts it on a plate, and gives it to him. The boy folds back the piece of bread, looks at me and says "Mommy, where's my tomatoes?" with the tone of "Oh my heavens there are no tomatoes on my sandwich!! the world is coming to an end!!". So hubby and I start rolling with laughter. It was just so funny the way he said it. So hubby takes the plate back to go put some tomatoes on it. As he walks back into the kitchen, my child looks up at me and says, "Mommy, I go help daddy." Now what my 2 year old child is implying that he has to go help his father make a sandwich because obviously he doesn't know what he is doing and my 2 year old is the only one who can help! lol!!! By this point, I think we were almost in tears we were laughing so hard.

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